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Rice/Dodo Ball Soup (Haam tang yuen) - In memory of Winnie Mah

Updated: Mar 23, 2023

This recipe is dedicated to my Auntie Winnie who recently passed away, she is actually my mom's first cousin but in our big family, every is an auntie/uncle/cousin. While we didn't see each other that much, our reunions were always filled with that excitement and warmth that only the comfort of family can bring. Due to COVID, our family cannot be together right now, but no matter the distance, we can always send our love and honour her memory.

I happened to make this recipe with my grandma just before Winnie passed and it feels fitting to share it now. Rice ball soup is typically eaten at celebratory family gatherings, the stickiness of the rice balls represents how families always stick together. I hope to celebrate Winnie's life and express my love, support, and gratitude for my family. These pictures were sent to me from my cousins. If anyone from my family wants to add anything, you can send me a message or add it as a comment.

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