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Minced pork with salted fish

Updated: Mar 23, 2023

Funny story, my old laptop was too slow and I couldn't update my site so I always did it at my grandma's house on her desktop. Due to COVID-19, I haven't been able to cook or update my website with my grandma, but I recently got a new computer so let's get back on track! Also, with vaccines rolling out, I hope to have more recipes and fun videos soon.

Minced pork is a staple of so many Chinese dishes and this one pairs perfectly with the steamed egg and minced pork recipe posted earlier. My grandma and I actually made both dishes one after another, but to keep the suspense, I posted them separately.

And don't worry, even though I can't see my grandma now, I send her pictures of what I cook and we videocall so she can still criticize my food from afar ;)

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