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​Red bean paste buns and Chinese preserved sausage buns (Hongdou sha bao & Lap cheong bao)

Updated: Mar 23, 2023

I meet my grandmother (Popo in Cantonese) for lunch about every week and, I forget how, but the topic of buns was brought up. We decided that we should make them together at her apartment that weekend. I was excited to learn her "secret" Chinese techniques and spend some quality time with her. This was the recipe and day that started it all. We made food, went out to McDonalds for lunch (we got takeout and had coupons) while we waited for the dough to rise, folded the buns, steamed the buns and subsequently ate the hot fresh (and delicious) buns for our second lunch.

Some words of wisdom from my grandma while she laughed at my bun folding skills: "Your buns look like an old lady's hairdo." and "They're so ugly they look like rocks on the street" . As always, thanks for your loving support Popo :D

It was the perfect day. By the end of it, I remember she said "We had such a fun day" and I said "Yes, we should do this more often". And we have. More recipes to come.

I've also been learning the correct Cantonese pronunciation and written characters for each food to be more true to their origins.

Red bean paste bun: 紅豆沙包

Preserved sausage bun: 腊肠

If you see any errors or have any questions about the recipe, leave a comment here or send me a message through the contact page.

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