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Fried bean curd wraps - Fu pei guen

Updated: Mar 23, 2023


When you see "bean curd" on a menu, you could get a variety of items at a Chinese restaurant. It could be straight tofu or it could be a thin skin used to make wraps (and probably many other things). To make our wraps we used fu pei which is a very thin dried skin, not to be confused with fu jook which is the same skin but thicker and folded on itself that is often added to soup or stir-fry. I was astounded at the size of the wraps and was excited to learn the techniques to be able to cook with it. After all my years cooking, I had never even seen this ingredient be used, what an eye-opening and fulfilling experience.

The thing I love about wraps and buns is their versatility. Fill it with anything you like! Of course, Popo made the filling before I arrived (I must get my need for efficiency from her).

I've already learned so much on the cooking journey with my Por Por (grandma on my mom's side) and it has just begun.

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