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Red bean paste buns and Chinese preserved sausage rolls
(Hongdou sha bao & Lap cheong guen)

紅豆沙包 腊腸卷

Total Time:

2 Hours


6 Servings

About the Recipe

A super simple recipe that yields slightly chewier, denser dough than traditional white buns. Still fluffy, hot, and delicious - you can fill it with meats or sweets.


  • 3 tbsp yeast

  • 2 tbsp sugar

  • 1 c warm water

  • 4 c flour

  • 1 tbsp baking powder

  • 1 tbsp oil (we used margarine)

  • 1/2 c milk

  • Your choice of filling (we used red bean paste from the store and lap cheong)


1. Mix yeast with sugar and warm water. Let sit for 10-15 minutes - you should see bubbles.

2. Add flour, oil, and milk - mix until fully incorporated, you can knead it a bit too. If it is too dry, add more milk, if it is too wet, add more flour. You want it to be not sticky after you knead it. Let rise for at least 1 hour.

3. Knead dough for a couple minutes then it's ready to fold into buns! Add your filling and fold into any shape you want (see videos below for inspo). We divided our dough into 4-5 balls, rolled each out into a log then cut 2-inch diameter balls which we rolled flat into thin circles. The lap cheong rolls had thicker dough than the red bean paste and we rolled into a log. The red bean paste dough was very thin on the edges, a little thicker in the middle, then a big spoonful of filling was put in the middle. I pulled the edges up to the middle, letting them fold on each other about 10 times then twisted the top to get the swirly bun effect.


4. Let them rise for another 5-10 minutes then steam for 15 minutes and enjoy!

Video & Picture Steps

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