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Fish paste-stuffed tofu (Yue wat yeurng doufu pok)


Total Time:

30 Minutes


6 Servings

About the Recipe

This recipe is made with deep fried tofu and store-bought fish paste (but you can make your own if you're feeling ambitious). A really hearty side dish that is packed with protein and seafood-y umami.


  • 4-5 oz bag of fried tofu

  • 1/2 of a 450 g container of dace fish paste (picture below)

  • Oyster sauce

  • Dash of sesame oil

  • Dash of sugar

  • 1 tsp rehydrated dried orange peels finely chopped

  • 2-3 tsp chicken broth

  • Dash of Fish sauce

  • Sweet potato/corn starch

  • Water

  • Pepper


1. Slice tofus in half. Line inside of tofu with sweet potato or corn starch. Mix 1 tsp oyster sauce, sugar, pepper, sesame oil, dried orange peels, and chicken broth with fish paste. Stuff tofus with fish paste mixture with a fork.

3. Oil pan and fry on med high with fish side facing down. If they get stuck, add more oil until the fish side is browned. Then remove from pan.

4. Add 1/2 - 2/3 c water to pan to make gravy, add 1 tbsp oyster sauce, and a dash of fish sauce.

5. Mix 1 tbsp sweet potato starch with a tbsp water in a separate bowl then add to pan.

6. Add tofu and let simmer. If the gravy is too thick, add more water. Simmer until soft and fully cooked. Garnish with green onion.

Video & Picture Steps

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